Cassini VIMS Data Portal
by the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences (LPG) of Nantes

Between 2004 and 2017, with the support of the French Space Agency (CNES), the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences (LPG) of Nantes planned Titan's observations by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) (image size, mosaics, exposure time…). This instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft is a key tool to analyze the geology of Titan and Saturn's icy moons (e.g. impact craters, montains, dunes, clouds, rivers…). During the 13 years of the Cassini mission, it also revealed the seasonal evolution of Titan with a high level of details.
In this website, you will find the complete dataset of VIMS spectral cubes on Saturn's moons illustrated by multispectral previews. In order to make use of these data more easily, you can download directly the raw and calibrated VIMS cubes.
If you use this website for your research, please cite Le Mouélic et al. (2019) - Icarus and if you used the VIMS previews from this website, please add the following credit line: Courtesy: NASA/Caltech-JPL/University of Arizona/LPG Nantes.Saturn's targeted icy moon flybys
Additionally information on Titan cube post-processing are presented in this publication:
More details on the VIMS instrument can be found in the following publication:
The complete USGS-ISIS3 pipeline used is calibrated the Cassini-VIMS data on this website is detailed here.
Comments or feedbacks are welcome.